Excuse me.
This is a post full of excuses.
I wanted to write about my experiences while Training at MICA. But I could not, because I was too busy.
I wanted to upload all the fotos of my MICA trip, and spend lots of time remembering all the MICA moments. But I could not because I was too busy.
I wanted to write about going on air with Mandy for a whole week. But I could not, because I was too busy.
I wanted to write what a fantastic and super-cool jock Mandy is, and how I positively adore her. But I could not, because I was too busy.
I wanted to write about how my first week of going solo on-air has been. But I could not, because I was too busy.
I wanted to write about how despicable I find the shooting at Virginia Tech. But I could not, because I was too busy.
I wanted to write about how I am glad that two of my friends studying in Virginia Tech are alive and safe today. But could not, because I was too busy.
I wanted to write a story because I haven’t written one in a long, long time. But I could not, because I am too busy.
I wanted to write about so many things. But I could not, because I was too busy.
Busy doing what, did you ask?
Making excuses.
Somehow, I seem to have forgotten that I own this blog. And that is a sad thing to happen. Heck, I feel ashamed of myself now. Am I that busy really?
Well, The answer is: No, I am not.
It took me just 20 minutes to bang out this post. So I am not as busy as I’d like to believe I am.
Sincere apologies for the infrequent nature of my appearances on this blog. I’d like to say I’ll be more regular in the future, but I have long stopped predicting futures. Especially, my own.
So here’s hoping that this post knocks some sense into my head.
And yes, the post about Categories and Tags is still pending.